The basis of liberal values is trust; trust that on the whole a person is not going to pursue his individual desires to the detriment of others. That trust is being destroyed by people who do not respect liberal values and in many cases, are intent on destroying them. Consequently, I don’t see it as a problem to restrict the freedom of those who wish to do harm and if that means restricting the freedom of people to come here unchecked, then so be it. Our first duty as a society should be the safeguarding of children and we’ve failed dismally to do that whilst pursuing the utopian vision of multiculturalism and refusing to acknowledge that not all cultures are equal. Starmer’s insistence that concern about what’s been happening for decades, is far right, just illustrates with utter clarity the moral depravity and ideological insanity of so many on the current left. Douglas Murray said about the 7th October atrocities in Israel, “ Sometimes a flare goes up and you see exactly where everyone is”. I think that statement is equally relevant now.

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You and Andrew make a formidable tag team. Well said, both of you.

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😄 No way but thanks anyway.

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Hear hear

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So, trained Police Officers, who deal with crime and criminals every day, adult, professional British citizens who pledge to uphold the law and serve British people, arrested and charged a 13 year old girl and DID NOT question the 7 men.... for fear of appearing racist?

Is Britain the new Iran?

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In Iran it would have been those serving officers who, without any fresh orders, beat the girl to death for her immoral behaviour, and no one there would bat an eyelid - so no we are not a new Iran, but we are headed in that direction like a canoe being paddled towards the waterfall.

and it is the whole of the suicidally empathic nation that needs to wake up to this horrendous threat to our culture.

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It's been going on, and documented, since 1997.

Just watched a 2023 GBNews documentary about it on YouTube.

But what's the point of people knowing about it when schools, councils, police and politicians have known about it for nearly 30 years, and allowed it to progressively get worse?

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I struggle to accept the oft stated claim that professional public servants like police, social workers saw what was happening with these girls, were moved to intervene but then saw their abusers were Pakistani and thought better if it. It's still hard to believe but it's more likely imho that they knew no action would be taken, or they'd been told not to bother Pakistani men for abusing girls. So much for enforcing the law without fear or favour. Why were there no whistle blowers until Maggie Oliver? The orders not to arrest were clearly illegal. The govt is refusing to investigated the inaction of govt. The underlying reason why certain groups were given mafia like political protection and immunity could be some dark political aggrement that no senior politicians of all govts want exposed. To avoid serious organised street unrest & no-go areas? To secure middle east trade deals with promise not prosecute Muslims or embarass islam? It seems wacky but some deeper explanation is required. What was gained by encouraging the sexual torture and effective enslavement of many 1000s of young girls? We need to know why the state systematically failed to intervene and stop the well known abuse they suffered and others still suffer.

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I agree.

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"True inclusivity and equality means holding everyone to the same standards. "

So many fail to grasp this very simple point. Not only that but we have the bizarre situation where the 'antiracist' position seems to require brown people to be held to lower moral standards. I've spent a disheartening morning reading commentary on the Charlie Hebdo anniversary which basically amounts to saying 'well obviously we can't expect ordinary standards of tolerance and self-control from Muslims'.

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It's scary to see the institutions prioritise covering for failed multiculturalism policies rather than the mass rape of girls. How low must the bar be before these people do their jobs? How is Naz Shah still a Labour MP? How can the leader of the country think it's appropriate to address the far right in this debate and not the failings of the institutions in cases of mass child rape?

Even on a practical level, how can they be so short sighted?

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We can't have holding up everyone to the same standards, Andrew, for some are more equal to others...

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Possibly the best thing would be for Farage to interview TR, to publicly thrash out & clarify their differences & also interview Anne Marie Waters (AMW).  

Farage has watched a lot of boats arrive & brought it to the nations attention & vocalised memorable strap lines such as “we need to take back control of our borders » 

Everyone needs to step back, take stock of the situation & understand their differences.  

TR became an investigative journalist rather than a politician who wanted to expose the gangs & ongoing corruption.

AMW also branded « Far Right » has continued to research what the implications, the consequences & failures of importing the values of another culture have been for the rights of women, as she believes they’re being slowly but surely removed & heeding the warnings as vocalised by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, & Yasmine Mohamed who’s spoke about her own childhood & how telling a child that’s come to you begging to be removed from her parents abuse & is told “we can’t criticise your culture” The West is actually saying to these children that they are second class citizens & contradict everything we’re taught about safeguarding children.

The Murder of Banaz Mahmod [which happened in 2006].  In the documentary [2012] DCI Caroline Goode said that unfortunately we don't know how many other innocent women in the UK have been killed because “no one reports them.”

In the 2018 BBC documentary about Samia Shahid her friends at the very end say - “We’re British why aren’t you protecting us?” this is a complaint I keep hearing from Asian & Muslim women across various podcasts, they’re being failed by the system, despite the UK government’s “Enough” Campaign.  If anything their right to speak out & to criticise their own belief system will be decreased even further if Islamophobia Laws are introduced.

Which begs the question when did caring about the rights of women or that of children & their safety being threatened by an external culture become deemed « Far Right »?  

Do we thank the likes of Nick Lowles from Hope Not Hate boss who apologised : for false ‘acid attack on Muslim woman’ tweet”  no prosecution no accountability for his blatant misinformation & gaslighting of the British public.

In May 2020 Anne Marie Waters did fascinating, Informative & essential interviews that explain the history of FGM & very briefly mentions other forms of female repression.  

The UK was & no doubt remains the worst offender in Europe for allowing FGM to be practiced & was known as the FGM centre of Europe.  Will Blasphemy Laws support rather than outlaw FGM : 

21.05.20 FGM Interview Part 1 : https://www.annemariewaters.org/author/preston/

28.05.20 FGM Interview Part 2 Explains link to purity & why Coptic’s in Egypt  practise FGM to avoid persecution :  https://www.annemariewaters.org/author/preston/

In 2017 she wrote : Feminism Is The New Misogyny – The Feminist Betrayal Of Women By https://www.annemariewaters.org/author/preston/ June 6, 2017 https://www.annemariewaters.org/author/preston/

In other words TR & AMW want the British public to understand the cultural differences, their history & how they conflict with British values.  I suppose it’s a bit like explaining why cannibalism isn’t something we celebrate or practice & if caught you’d be severely punished for doing so.  

In times gone by this would’ve been defined as investigative journalism now it’s defined as being extremist rather than an integral part of how a democracy differs from authoritarian belief systems that demand complete submission of thought where criticism is punished & freedom of speech quelled.

An interview with Farage would give TR the opportunity to publicly repeat that he’s not interested in joining Reform or entering politics.  

Farage himself has been maligned & used his platform to expose the lies & misinformation that’s been distributed about him & then goes on to incriminate TR without any hesitation or doubts that the accusations may not be true.  

Farage was even penalised for being aligned with Ricky Gervais’s comedy.  Can he not reconcile his own experiences with those of TR & possibly accept that he’s played the « victim card » whilst trying to deny that TR has also been falsely maligned & a victim of misinformation in order to stop him from having a voice, from having a platform?

TR evolved into becoming an investigative journalist who needs to discuss his work & openly be questioned about « the stories » & « accusations » directed at him & while they’re at it Charlie Peters could also interview TR to discuss how some of his actions almost prevented justice from being served.

When did the right to question, the right to open up debate, the right to expose wrong doings, to criticise politicians or belief systems become defined as being Far Right?  

Up until yesterday it was deemed to be the mainstay of what a democracy looked like.  

Democracies don’t care about feelings they care about the facts - which are used to offend & to be offended by.  

Authoritarianism cares about feelings & rejects facts because being Politically Correct & subverting the need for Truth erases your right to offend or to be offended

Which used to be the root of British humour & music - & - is what made Britain Great its complete & utter irreverence & gave others who lived under authoritarian regimes hope that change without bloodshed was possible. 

The British people made it their G-d given right to be irreverent, to mock & to be mocked; have we reached a moment in history when these British Traits & Values need to be put into Law in order to ensure that the fundamentals of what it is to be British are Legalised so that when you’re sworn in to be a citizen you understand its a part of who you agree to be?  

You’re not only swearing Allegiance to King & Country but also honouring swearing allegiance to :

The humour of Monty Pythons, Yes Minister, Not The Nine O’Clock News, Father Ted,

The music of David Bowie, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Punk Rock & so the list goes on wit ya!  

This is what gave hope to hundreds of millions of others & as a reward brought billions of pounds back into the British economy. 

Now is not the time to forgo who the British are & what being British represents but to remember what made them who they are today, because the war between the cultures & civilisations of both the sacred & secular are very real & being played out before our very eyes.

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When I see arrest stats like this in the future I will assume they are very conservative given the example you offer, where a 13 year old girl was arrested and 7 men were NOT arrested and questioned under caution for serious offences. The police are clearly disinclined to act where certain groups are involved.

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All credit to those who have been, in the face of establishment prevarication, raising this issue (and receiving approbrium for doing so ) for a long time. I would add Kellie Jay Keen to that list of honour re raising this issue.


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Liberal values are in large part why we are in this mess. Many liberals show marked anti-democratic tendencies by pursuing policies which none of us voted for. Time and again liberal universalism has caused untold damage. Liberal overreach includes all forms of relativism both cultural and religious. Give me conservative pragmatism any day.

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To put your arrest rate bar chart into perspective the arrest rate per 1,000 population in England and Wales in 2023/24 is 11.8 which comes from the same ONS data.

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I don't think this comes from ONS data. I believe Migration Watch had to do individual FOIs to separate police forces to get this data.

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My mistake. Although from various data including ONS the general arrest rate per 1,000 population is somewhere between 11 and 12.

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I accept your point Andrew and think you may be right, but relying on the arrest statistics of a police force that is known to be institutionally racist is not very convincing. While the Justice Department also has its prejudices, they do at least have a trial where innocence stands a chance. Perhaps looking at convictions may be more convincing?

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The statistics are even more egregious in Sweden, and no-one would seriously suggest institutionalised racism in the police is a problem there…

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I talk with retired detectives/other police officers a fair bit - they will tell you (as those still in service cannot) that the instructions come down from the politicians via the chief constables...

many officers are going against their instincts and their correct interpretation of the law. - if they do not, they can kiss promotion and favourable shift treatment goodbye.

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And that's how the nazis kept their jobs.

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This naive notion that all cultures are equal is nonsense. A poorly educated person in Afghanistan is going to have had a completely different life experience to someone growing up in the UK. It's not just about language, culture. The way we've lived & examples we've been set, morals which determine our mindset. Meaning different ideas of what's acceptable, wrong or right.

Sexual assault/rape crime statistics released this week tells us that men from Muslim countries are more likely to see women in a negative light. More often than not these men are sexually repressed leading them to end up as sexual deviants imo. They are taught that sex is dirty, white women are whores. Victims of these rape gangs were referred to as "white slags"

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It may look like I am on the same links, same issue here, but "Dear Douglas Murray", could easily read, Dear Andrew Doyle,

- I am platform denied, piled on by JK Rowling's complete misread of a tweet 2 years ago, and now her followers help to pick up on word slips for zero context banning.

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You do have a point although I’m not sure this is the place for it. I’m sorry you’ve been piled on though. There’s nothing to be gained that way except resentment and anger.

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People often conflate cultural relativism with multiculturalism. These are not the same thing. I am Jewish, and we have a long history of being oppressed for being different. Multiculturalism allows us to live freely as ourselves, without being forced to shed our Jewishness. A free society must not squash difference, must not force us all to be the same.

This does not mean embracing cultural relativism. For multiculturalism to work, we have to agree to some basic common values, most importantly the rule of law and respect for difference. Ironically, diversity requires gatekeeping. You have to exclude those who do not respect diversity or who would destroy the civil society on which our freedoms depend.

I believe strongly in multiculturalism. My daily work is providing Jewish education to non-Jewish children in non-Jewish schools. Because educating about difference is the best way to inoculate children against prejudice against those who are different. But this sort of work depends on liberal values. Without those values, it can be abused and used by those who would destroy our society.

It's not easy to get this right. But the solution is not to squash difference. I don't want to live in a society in which we have to all be the same. Such a society would destroy me.

I recently hosted an interfaith panel on the challenges involved in this. If anyone would like a listen. https://shirabatya.substack.com/p/but-which-religion-is-correct

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